Once the battle ends, a screenshot should be captured for reference in order to prevent or correct errors in the record keeping resulting from the battle. If the referee was an observer or a vehicle player in the battle, he can capture the screenshot. Otherwise both of the team captains should do so for redundancy and share the files with the referee. 
Any remaining platoon/s of the losing team will now retreat to the map hex/s from which entry was made into the battle hex regardless of how many turns ago that movement may have been (thus the need for a record of written orders). Each retreating platoon will retain the specific surviving vehicles listed in its’ respective tier point track, regardless of damage. Vehicles destroyed and abandoned on the battlefield are removed from the platoon tier track and no longer exist in the game. If the complete complement of a platoon is destroyed then that platoon marker is removed from the map and returned to the spare unit box on the platoon tier track.
The victorious team now controls the battle hex, having surviving platoon/s present, and may “recover” any friendly destroyed vehicles by expending tier points ONLY if a contiguous path of friendly controlled hexes now exists to the teams’ home city hex AND the Tier Bank contains the tier points available for expenditure. Each destroyed friendly vehicle may be recovered for the expense in tier points at full value.Note: this is the only way tier points may be expended in a map hex other than the teams' home city hex. If desired, some or all of the destroyed vehicles of the victorious team may be elected as permanent losses and not recovered. If the complete complement of a platoon is destroyed and elected not to be recovered, then that platoon marker is removed from the map and returned to the spare unit box on the platoon tier track. Destroyed vehicles from the losing team may NEVER be recovered, by either side, and like Clementine, are "lost and gone forever". All destroyed tanks not recovered during the same turn of victory, may NEVER be recovered.
At the conclusion of the Combat Phase, the referee will adjust the hex control marker for the battle hex if needed.
Once all of the pending battles for the respective teams’ turn are resolved, the team’s turn is complete and the other team will start their next turn. When both teams have completed their turn, a new Game Turn will begin.
The possible results of a battle are as follows…
Attacker Victory by Annihilation:
All defending vehicles are destroyed.
Attacker Victory by Base Capture:
The attacker has successfully captured the enemy base.
Some vehicles remain on each team and neither has captured the respective enemy base. The defending team is automatically declared the victor of a draw result battle.
Defender Victory by Base Capture:
The defender has successfully captured the enemy base.
Defender Victory by Annihilation:
All attacking vehicles are destroyed.
Combat Phase:
Each battle incurred will be resolved according to the following procedure. Each team will consist of the sum total of friendly platoons existing in a given hex at the beginning of the Combat Phase. As many as two (2) platoons from each team may now be present in the battle hex. Each team may consist of as many as six (6) combatant vehicles thus easily staying within the limitation of the training room capacity.

The referee will now verify the platoon tier tracks are used to compile an order of battle for each team. The order of battle is simply a list of individual vehicles including their type, tier value and platoon. The team captains will now designate members of their respective teams to “man” one vehicle each. The members assigned must use a vehicle from their own garage to fill the specific vehicle slot in the order of battle based upon vehicle type and tier value.

For example; Joe is designated by the field commander to man a tier 5 medium tank, he must use a tier 5 (or less) medium tank and ready up in the training room. Once all slots have been manned and the teams are in the training room, the referee will setup the teams on the appropriate sides using the combined orders of battle. To determine which “side” (spawn point or base position) the attacking team starts on, the hex-side of the battle hex through which the attacking platoon/s moved into the battle hex is either an odd or even value. If the attacking platoons came from more than one map hex, then the respective hex-side numbers of the battle hex are summed and "odd or even" determined from that sum value. The attacking team then spawns on side 1 if "Odd" has been determined or spawns on side 2 if "Even" has been determined. The defending player must defend whatever base falls to them but may win the battle by achieving a draw.
The orders can be written in notepad and simply cut and pasted into a private chat message to the referee for convenience. Otherwise they may be uploaded to file storage or e-mailed to the referee as agreed with the referee. All platoon orders for the team must be communicated in one message prior to the referee processing them. The need for written orders is so that errors can be prevented and/or corrected as well as to determine where a specific unit started the move, or entered a battle hex from, in case of the need to retreat. The "fog of war" is also facilitated by the use of written orders.

As moves are executed, the referee shall place appropriate control markers in the map hexes as needed.

Example order sheet:

Blue turn 3
P1, A3, B4
P2, C5, stay
P3, D7, E6-E5

Movement order format will be as follows;

the specific platoon, the starting hex, and the destination hex/s in that exact sequence.


P3, A5, A6
(Platoon 3, from hex A5, moves to A6)
P8, B2, B3-C3
(Platoon 8, from hex B2, moves to B3 then to C3)
Organization Phase:
Existing platoons being in the same map hex at the beginning of the teams’ turn may reorganize within the following constraints. New additional vehicles may never be incorporated into existing platoons except at the home city hex during the Construction Phase. Otherwise, platoons in the same hex may merge, split or recombine in any fashion so long as the platoon limit of three (3) vehicles is not exceeded. Each platoon has a unique identification number from one (1) to ten (10). Reorganization of platoons may result in an empty platoon marker, in which case that platoon marker will be returned to the spare unit box on the teams’ platoon tier track and be available in subsequent turns for the creation of new platoons during the Construction Phase. The referee will manage the respective platoon tier tracks as needed.
Movement Phase:
Any platoons which are not newly created or having vehicles added to them during the Construction Phase (in the home city hex) or being reorganized during the Organization Phase may now move. The team captain will communicate the movement orders for all qualifying platoons to the referee before the referee implements said orders on the master game map. Each platoon may be ordered to move one (1) into any adjacent uncontrolled hex or move two (2) hexes through contiguously adjacent friendly controlled hexes.

All platoon movements on the same team are considered to be simultaneous such that one platoon achieving control of a hex does not allow a subsequent platoon to discount movement costs resulting during the same turn.  Remember that all orders are committed prior to the beginning of actual movement. When one or more platoons are ordered to move into any hex, which the referee will determine contains enemy units, then a battle will ensue and require resolution in a training room (see Fog of War below...). There may conceivably be more than one battle resulting from the moves during one teams’ respective turn. No more than two (2) platoons may end their movement in the same map hex.
Starting the Game:
A “Team Captain” will be designated for each of the two teams (Red or Blue). Team members will remain assigned to their respective team for the duration of the game, an indefinite time, as will become clear later on. Once the teams have formed and the Team Captain elected, the game will begin. A coin will be tossed (metaphorically using an online random number tool) to determine which Team goes first. From this turn (1) the Teams will alternate turns in the strategic game until the victory conditions are met. Each team will start on the map with control of one (1) designated home city hex location from which they must expand by movement of “platoons” thus achieving “control” of additional hexes on the map.

Victory Conditions:
When one team controls the home city hex of the enemy team, being connected by a contiguous path of friendly controlled hexes to the teams’ own home city hex, while retaining control of its’ own home city hex at the beginning of the teams’ turn, then that team is declared the victor and the game is over.

Definition of Control:
A colored marker representing control of a map hex will be placed initially in the home city hex for each team at the beginning of the game. As the game progresses and the teams’ units (platoons) move from hex to hex on the map, each hex entered will have a respectively colored control marker placed in it. The status of "controlled" becomes effective at the instant a teams' platoon/s enter an uncontested map hex.

Controlled hexes affect the movement capabilities of platoons and the collection of revenue in tier points from hexes other than the friendly controlled home city hex. A hex may be uncontrolled, friendly controlled or enemy controlled. A map hex containing enemy platoon's is considered to be contested and called a "Battle Hex" until the completion of the battle resulting from said movement. Battle hexes are considered to be controlled by the defending team until such time as that team may be eliminated from or "retreat" from the map hex due to defeat. Once placed, control markers are not removed except when they are replaced with a control marker of the enemy team when that teams' platoon/s move into the specific map hex unopposed. Basically, a map hex is controlled by the team "last to pass through" or actually occupying the map hex in question.
Team Captains:
Each Team will have one designated Team Captain.  Said Team Captain can relinquish that role to another Team Member with approval of the referee and consultation of the respective Team Members who may be present at the time.  Only the Team Captain will issue orders for the Map Game except in cases where he may delegate a substitute to fill in during absence.  Said substitute should be informed of the map situation by being present during the execution of map game turns, etc.
The Game Turn Sequence:
Each team will execute a complete turn proceeding through phases as detailed below. When all phases have been completed, then the other team will start and complete the same process. When both teams have completed their respective teams’ turn, a new game turn will begin. This procedure is followed until one team wins the game by achieving the Victory Conditions.
The Game Turn Sequence is as follows:
Revenue Phase
Construction Phase
Organization Phase
Movement Phase
Combat Phase
Revenue Phase:
If the teams' home city hex is in friendly control, then Tier Points from friendly controlled hexes having a contiguously unbroken path of any length through friendly controlled hexes to the home city hex, are collected and “banked” by the team executing the turn in addition to the Tier Points collected from the teams' home city hex. The Referee will coordinate and manage the respective tier bank balance and expenditure of tier points using the Tier Point Bank Display.

The Referee:

The Referee is responsible for managing the master game map, platoon tracks and tier point tracks for both Teams.  The Referee may always be included in each battle as an Observer but may also fill in on either side as a subordinate combatant player for either Team (with approval of BOTH Team Captains) as needed to expedite the game.  As the game progresses there may be circumstances which are not anticipated by the rules.  In such cases the Referee will make the call and the rules updated to account for such circumstances.  In any case, the maximum effort will be made to keep the rules as SIMPLE as possible. Suggestions for changes to the rules will be considered and discussed but those discussions should be conducted at the completion of a game turn and prior to starting the next game turn.
The Tier Point Bank:
The teams’ tier bank is located in the teams’ home city hex for all practical purposes. “Robbing” the bank is not allowed. Destruction of the bank balance will take place immediately when the enemy teams' platoon/s achieves control of the home city hex of the opposing team. The “home” team must regain control and start banking tier points with a starting balance of zero if this happens. Tier points represent abstract industrial output and the home city hex can be thought of as the assembly plant and training center for new vehicles and platoons. When an enemy force achieves control of the home city hex of the opposing team, the tier point bank is zeroed out.
The Fog of War:
Because the use of the WoT Training Room to resolve battles does not enable the fog of war, the map game will include the following capabilities and limitations. Platoons may not “see” into adjacent map hexes UNLESS they contain at least one light tank (scout). After movement orders are written and submitted, all orders are executed on the map by the referee but prior to scheduling any battles, the platoon/s that are moving and consist of at least one light tank may be opted to halt their move prior to entering the battle hex. Other platoons that happen to have been ordered into the same battle hex as said “scout” platoon was ordered must continue with their movement unless they too consist of at least one (1) light tank. This should encourage the use of individual platoons to “scout”. Such scout platoons will only detect the presence of enemy platoon/s once they are actually ordered to move into the hex in question. Detecting the enemy platoons does not divulge the actual contents of, or number of said enemy platoons but only that an undisclosed number of enemy platoons are in the hex (enemy present).
With a maximum of six (6) vehicles on a team during the battle setup, "observer" vehicles may fill the empty slots. Such observers should use the smallest tier vehicle available. All observers shall be immediately killed by their own team so that they do not participate in battle. Only once all observers are killed may the teams' combatant vehicles begin deployment, thus the need to make the kill quickly. The purpose of having an observer may range from simply allowing others to witness the battle through allowing a designated Field Commander to exist with no vehicle and thus being able to ride on the various vehicles of his team during the battle. If either team challenges the impact or delay of starting deployment caused by such observers then observers will not be allowed on either side for that battle EXCEPT for the Referee.
Notes on Combat and Battles:
A given team player may play a vehicle in some, none or all of the battles during a given turn based upon assignment and availability of the specific team member to do so. If more than one battle is pending, the battles will be resolved one at a time in a sequence determined by the Referee. The platoons consist of vehicles defined by vehicle type and tier point level in order to allow any team member having those types and tiers of vehicles to man them. Battles will be resolved one at a time, as scheduled by the Referee, until all pending battles for that team’s turn are resolved.

Battles may be commanded by the Team Captain or a delegated Field Commander appointed from the team members present. A specific team player is NOT bound to any specific vehicle represented in the game and any team member may play any vehicle provided he has the vehicle type and tier level (or less) available in his garage to do so. The vehicles in the map game are defined only to the extent of tier level and type (Heavy, Medium, Light, TD or Arty).
 The Platoon Roster display for the Blue Team showing two of the ten allowed platoons.
 The Tier Point Bank display for both teams.
Construction Phase:

If unused platoon markers are available, the Team Captain may create and populate new platoons at this time consuming tier points from the bank. New platoons are immediately placed on the map in the home city hex only. If existing platoons are already in the team home city hex at this time, then additional vehicles may also be added to their inventory (not to exceed three (3) vehicles per platoon). If no unused (or understrength platoon markers in the home city hex) platoon markers are available then the tier points may not be expended to create new vehicles. There are only ten (10) platoon markers available for each team to use. Also, each platoon may consist of a maximum of three (3) vehicles with no tier limits. Thus, a maximum of 300 tier points of vehicles may be active in the game on each team. The referee will manage the platoon tier track to keep a record of the vehicles included in each platoon.
The Game Map:
The map is a hexagonal grid of “hexes” spanning 10 by 10 hexagons. There are 100 hexes on the map but the "water" hexes are impassable, uncontrollable and off limits to play at all times. Each hex has a white printed coordinate value such as “A1” for the identification of each hex when discussing or writing down movement orders, etc. Each controllable hex also has a rescaled (to fit) image of the WoT mini-map representing the specific WoT map to be used for battle resolution of encounters which may occur in that specific hex. There is a legend on the game map showing how the sides of a hex, and its’ adjacent hexes, are numbered. Also note that SOME hexes have a gold printed number which represents the revenue in tier points gained by control of that hex at the beginning of a teams’ turn.


Mini Map images were resized to 88 wide by 75 high in order to fit the hexagonal grid using Cyberboard.
The game is turn-based using counters moved on a hexagonal grid-map. Each team will execute a strategic turn, the orders being submitted in writing to the referee by the respective Team Captain, and then alternate with the other team in executing a strategic turn. Each team turn may result in encounter/s to be resolved using training room battles. The map also provides locations from which “revenue” in the form of “Tier Points” are received and banked by each team for the purpose of creating new additional vehicles to be assigned to “platoons” for deployment on the map and/or to recover destroyed friendly vehicles in the hex where a battle victory is won and the team has surviving platoon/s present. The time scale is not fixed in that the game will progress as the players have time and occasion to play within the framework of routine activities. 
The Intra-Clan War game map created using Cyberboard.
The “game” is intended to be a mechanism to provide for team competition by using a map and moveable counters in a strategic simulation leading to small scale encounters of “platoon” size maneuver units in battles to be resolved within the framework of WoT Training Rooms. The provision of organized opportunities for team members to participate in battles is intended to be both entertaining and educational as an aspect of training.
The strategic part of the game is played using a referee to manage the fog of war on the map as shown below.
Intra-Clan War Game – by Darth Pedro